Snake Plissken Wiki

Romero was a prisoner of the New York Penitentiary and an associate of "The Duke of New York".


When a group of United States Police Force officers landed in the penitentiary to find President John Harker, who had crash-landed within the walls, Romero presented the President's finger to them. He told them that if they touched him or would not leave within thirty seconds, the President would be killed.

He later accompanied the Duke when S.D. "Snake" Plissken captured at his train yard hideout and when he tortured the President with Snake's gun. When the gun opened the President's briefcase, Romero took the cassette tape from it.

Later, Romero traded the tape to "Cabbie" for his hat and was ordered to guard the President. Eventually, Harold "Brain" Hellman and Maggie rescues the President, with Brain stabbing Romero to death.


Romero is an extremely unstable and violent person. More than his fellow inmates working for the Duke, he seems particularly inclined to commit abuses and atrocities towards prisoners and, in general, other people. After being tasked of keeping the President under surveillance, the latter is seen wearing makeup as well as a woman wig. He also likes collecting various trinkets and clothing items, just like Cabbie's hat.
